Saturday, April 21, 2012

New and Old

Life has been interesting. I've been working on my Bachelor's Degree
from USU, and I should be graduating Spring 2013. 
I've recently been accepted to the Cache Valley Gardner's Market 2012
to sell my wire-wrapped pendants and gemstone tree decorations.
I won't be at the market every Saturday, but I'll put up a notice when I plan on attending! 
This post includes some new work, but also some of my old work because I finally had some professional pictures taken of them (some are too large for my scanner). 
Now I have hi-def images that I can make prints from in the future. 

After school is out in a couple of weeks, I have a few commission pieces to complete, but then I will focus on a new batch of pendants for the Gardner's Market this summer (and for sale online). 
Enjoy the following images!

 This water lily was a birthday present for my mother-in-law. 
 This was a photo taken after it was framed, so not the highest quality image. 

 A better image of my "Heritage" watercolor. 

 "Magpie Queen" 
One of my spirit animals is the magpie, 
so this was a personal representation for me.
watercolor on illustration board. 

 "The Dream: The Beginning"
This is part one of a three-part commission.

 Yay! More magpies. I've wanted to get a tattoo for a long time, 
but I could never settle on what to get. 
This is a watercolor interpretation of one of my ideas. 
Two magpies symbolize "Joy in Union", 
and they have an essence of phoenix represented in the stylized tails. 

 Better photo of "Hurricane"

 Better photo of "Energy Flow"

 This is a blue jay, and part of a commission piece. 

 This is the completed commission that the buyer gave as a Christmas gift. 

 Same marigold as previous

 Same roses as previous

This was part of a Christmas present I gave to someone.