Monday, January 3, 2011

Winter 2010

Life gets busy and sometimes it's hard to remember to update things. Here I am though, and here's what I've been up to. 

It has literally been years since I've done anything different with my hair. I dyed it a darker shade of brunette in September. It's a fun change, but I think I'm going to put in some carmel highlights this upcoming summer.  

I've been working on this painting for a while in between other projects. This fall I really fell in love with the rich warm colors. I've always enjoyed the autumn season, but this year I fancied the yellows, oranges, and reds even more. This is a personal piece I'm doing for myself. It's 11"x14" watercolor on 140 lb paper.  

My sister, Deanna, created this pumpkin cake for my brother's birthday in October. I think it is cool and creating, and it was very yummy too.  

This last October I met my half-brother Jeremy for the first time. It's amazing how alike siblings can be even if they grow up not knowing of one another. He and his adoptive father came to Utah for a week (they are from Colorado), and it was fun meeting them and spending time together. This is a 5"x7" painting I created for Jeremy for his birthday. I was still in the mood for painting autumn leaves, so that is what he got. :) 

My family went to the Pumpkin Walk while Jeremy was visiting. I am on the left, my 14-year-old brother is in the middle, and my brother Jeremy is on the right. Good times. 

I've been a USU student for a few years. This fall during Homecoming weekend I finally made it to campus at midnight to fulfill the fun and silly tradition of becoming a True Aggie. A true aggie is when you go to the "A" statue on campus at midnight on Homecoming weekend during the full moon and kiss. You can go during midnight of the full moon on other months as well, but you have to kiss someone who is already a true aggie. Go Aggies!!

During the holidays it's nice to visit with family. In the back we have my brothers Davey and Spencer. In the front we have my niece Anna holding 5-month-old niece Kierra, and my youngest brother Zack and nephew Joseph. 

On Christmas eve we decorated gingerbread cookies. Lots of fun! Here we have my cousin, sister, brother, and aunt. 

Yay, Ethan decorating his cookie.  

My sister and my aunt bought Zack and Ethan a train set for Christmas. I don't really understand why people get things that have a million pieces to put together. 

Here are the pretty cookies from Christmas eve. 

All right, back to the art talk. :) This is a peony I painted. I figured I would paint several flowers to improve my painting techniques and get a start on putting together a coherent art portfolio. This is the first flower I've painted. It's 8"x10" watercolor on 140 lb paper. 

Closer view.  

The week after Christmas my mom and siblings went to Denver, CO to visit our brother Jeremy. The first afternoon Ethan was so bored with me (I was painting) that he fell asleep in the middle of the living room. Sad to know that I'm so boring by myself. 

Ethan's grandma Kathy got him an art easel for Christmas. Here he is with the dry erase markers. 

Here he is a couple days later with chalk. He drew a penguin. Later in the day he kept drawing an owl. 

This is my second flower painting that I finished the other day. It's a marigold. This one is also 8"x10" in watercolor. 

Closer view. The next one I am working on is a grouping of iris's. 

I just had to add this one. :)
Thank you for checking out my blog. Don't forget to look at my older posts to see what else I've created. 

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